Housing and Economic Development Work Group

Special Announcement



As part of the public participation effort, the Steering Committee and the work groups worked with a consultant to create a citizen survey. That survey has now been completed. On July 20th, 2005 a representative from Chamberlain Research Consultants presented the final results of the survey to these groups. The survey represents 500 additional citizen voices from Dane County in this project.
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting for Housing and Economic Development Work Group will take place on Thursday, August 3rd, 5:30 - 9:00 pm at location to be announced.

Comprehensive Plan Element Pages, Minutes and Agendas

Minutes   |   Agendas  

This work group’s responsibilities include completing both the (1) Housing and (2) Economic Development Elements, which involves:

Gathering a compilation of objectives, policies, goals, maps, and programs of Dane County to provide an adequate housing supply that meets existing and forecasted housing demand in the local governmental unit Dane County. An assessment of housing stock and identification of policies and programs that: promote housing development, a range of housing choices, promote availability of land for affordable housing, and maintain/rehabilitate Dane County’s existing housing stock.

A compilation of objectives, policies, goals, maps, and programs to promote the stabilization, retention or expansion, of the economic base and quality employment opportunities in Dane County. Provide an analysis of both labor force and economic base. Identify and incorporate applicable state and regional plans related to housing and economic development.


Comprehensive Plan Work Group

Staff Lead
Appointed Members
Advisory Members